Jeff Vance

Jeff Vance is the founder of, a site that discovers, analyzes, and ranks tech startups. Follow him on Twitter, @JWVance, or connect with him on LinkedIn.

10 hot business-continuity startups to watch

10 hot business-continuity startups to watch

A crop of well-funded young businesses embrace blockchain, machine learning, data analytics and more to stave off costly disaster downtime.

How we did it: 10 hot hybrid-cloud startups to watch

How we did it: 10 hot hybrid-cloud startups to watch

Getting chosen for the hot 10 hybrid-cloud startups list meant a good idea, strong leadership, adequate funding and no bull.

10 hot hybrid-cloud startups to watch

10 hot hybrid-cloud startups to watch

With few enterprises using purely private or purely public cloud infrastructure, startups have emerged to meet unique hybrid-cloud needs for management, storage and virtualization. Here are 10 hot hybrid cloud startups to keep an eye...

How we chose the 10 AI-powered startups to watch

This is the selection process for the Network World 10 AI-powered startups to watch

10 Hot AI-powered IoT startups

10 Hot AI-powered IoT startups

The Internet of Things generates a lot of data that needs to be processed, and some innovative startups recognize that artificial intelligence can lighten the load.

10 hot SD-WAN startups to watch

10 hot SD-WAN startups to watch

Giant vendors such as AT&T, Cisco, Citrix and VMware carry influence in SD-WAN, but these 10 startups are making a name for themselves.

How we chose 10 hot IoT startups to watch

How we chose 10 hot IoT startups to watch

Innovation, market fit, founders and funding all helped us winnow down the initial 79 contenders for our list to the final 10 hot IoT startups.

10 Hot IoT startups to watch

10 Hot IoT startups to watch

With 20 billion internet of things devices online by 2020, the challenges and rewards are great for the top 10 startups hoping to capitalize on connected devices.

How we chose 10 hot storage startups to watch

How we chose 10 hot storage startups to watch

Innovation, founders and funding all helped us winnow down the initial 58 contenders for our list to the final 10 hot storage startups.

10 hot storage companies to watch

10 hot storage companies to watch

Innovations such as software-defined storage (SDS), hyper-converged infrastructures (HCI), and blockchain have investors flocking to enterprise storage startups, and this market shows no signs of slowing down. Collectively, the 10...

Big Data secrets from Airbnb, Starbucks and Sonic

Big Data secrets from Airbnb, Starbucks and Sonic

The 5 small steps that can lead to big competitive advantages.

Big data wars: How technology could tip the mid-term elections

Big data wars: How technology could tip the mid-term elections

It’s Project Ivy vs. VoterGravity as Democrats and Republicans deploy competing data analytics platforms.

10 Hot Internet of Things Startups

10 Hot Internet of Things Startups

As Internet connectivity gets embedded into every aspect of our lives, investors, entrepreneurs and engineers are rushing to cash in. Here are 10 hot startups that are poised to shape the future of the Internet of Things (IoT).

5 Big Data projects that could change your life

Real-world Big Data projects that are already paying rewards.

10 Hot Hadoop Startups to Watch

As data volumes grow, figuring out how to unlock value becomes vastly important. Hadoop enables the processing of large data sets in a distributed environment and has become almost synonymous with big data. Here are 10 startups with...

10 Cloud Security Startups to Watch in 2014

The market for cloud security tools is expected to grow significantly in the coming year. Here are 10 cloud security startups that could help boost cloud adoption in 2014 and beyond.

10 Software Defined Networking Startups to Watch

As the software-defined data center evolves from dream to reality, many Software Defined Networking (SDN) startups are being snatched up by established networking vendors. Here are nine SDN startups (and an important new standards...

10 Top Big Data Startups to Watch--Final Rankings

The votes are in for's 10 hottest big data startups to watch. Here are the final rankings based on your voting as well as a variety of other criteria such as funding and company leadership.

5 security best practices for SMBs

If your small-to-midsized business is like most, you're playing a game of chicken with cyber-criminals. You probably know that your defenses probably aren’t able to repel today's sophisticated, persistent attacks, yet you hope that...

10 Hot Big Data Startups to Watch

Big Data startups are building viable products that target real-world pain points, and most of these Big Data new ventures are well-funded with solid management teams. Here are 10 Big Data startups to watch.

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